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Bicycle transport

Take your bike on the Malpensa Express trains

Transporting non-folding bicycles on the Malpensa Express trains is permitted on specific trips. Consult the timetable system on the website and app: select the journey you are interested in to check whether transporting bicycles on board is permitted.

People travelling to or from Malpensa T1 or T2 who are in possession of a boarding pass can always take their bicycles, even on services that are not specifically indicated on the timetable.

Transporting bicycles on board the Malpensa Express trains is free.

Transporting foldable bicycles and scooters, which are properly folded, and non-bulky means of transport with dimensions no greater than 80x120x45 cm, is always permitted and free of charge.

Secure bicycle transport

On board the trains, bicycles and other means of transport must be stored in the dedicated areas of the carriages, and must not hinder the boarding/alighting or movement of passengers.

Only one bicycle is allowed per traveller, who is responsible for loading and unloading. In stations and on platforms, the bicycle must be wheeled by hand.

Even on trains that allow bicycle transport, the train conductor has the right to limit access in the event of crowding or possible risks to the safety of travellers.

When travelling with bicycles in a group (3 people or more), transport must be booked at least 5 working days in advance at this address: comitive@trenord.it.

Travelling with Bicycles

If the bike cannot be folded it must be placed in the vestibules, being careful not to hinder the passage or doors.

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